According to the this Geeks of Doom interview with Moffat, there may be more that one 50th Anniversary special! I hope he means actual Doctor Who storyline and not some historical retrospective about the making of the show… I’m sure all the “Making of” shows will be interesting and all but I was hoping for …
Tag: Television
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Aug 02
Doctor Who Series 7 teaser
Yay! I can’t wait! What about you, are you a Who fan also waiting with bated breath for the new series to start?
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Jul 14
Sonic Screwdriver TV Remote
Need a new remote, always wanted a sonic screwdriver? Why not get both in one?!? More on that (and maybe a video too) after the jump! It’s hand-polished, copper-plated, die-cast metal which makes it a pretty slick-looking little device. It’s a gesture based universal TV remote that looks like the Doctor’s sonic and sounds like …
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Jul 13
Proper 3-D TV coming soon?
Do you like the idea of 3-D TV and movies but they hurt your eyes or you hate wearing special glasses? Well “proper” 3-D may be coming sooner than you think! Some very smart people at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) are working on it right now.
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